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Monday, 1 October 2012

My 6 Word Memoir #6

For my sixth and final memoir I chose a foot print in the sand for the quote “Today’s the Tomorrow You Worried About” because to me it represents the present. We worry about tomorrow and what will happen and we forget to live in the moment. The foot print represents a moment preserved for all to see. It is one step you took that was a step towards your future and is now a step from your past. Must we dwell on this or could we not just enjoy the feeling of sand under our feet?


  1. This is a beautiful though and something to think about. We should all be trying to live in the moment as you said and the footprint in the sand was a wonderful choice. Trying to live in the present is something I find difficult to remember to do sometimes and this is a wonderful reminder to everyone.

  2. I really like this one because I relate to it. It's true that we should always live in the moment and not worry about the futur until it happens!

  3. I love this memoir. It is so true and it really spoke to me.

  4. What a great memoir. Tomorrow is sometimes something we look forward to, and sometimes it's something we try to avoid. I think your memoir captures both those ideas. Trying to live in the moment is something hard to do and sometimes we can't wait to get out of it. People always say we should stop and live in the moment, but I think it's equally important to look to the future, and not to dwell on the past. I think this memoir speaks differently to me compared to most people, and tomorrow is always something I look forward to. I am ready to face tomorrow no matter what.
